Welcome back to PyMakers, your creative coding sanctuary. In this project, we’re diving into the world of graphical user interfaces (GUI) and task management by creating a “To-Do List with GUI.” This project is designed to help you stay organized while adding a touch of style and interactivity to your everyday tasks.

Why a To-Do List with GUI?

To-do lists are essential for keeping track of tasks, and adding a graphical user interface (GUI) to your to-do list takes it to a new level. By creating a To-Do List with GUI in Python, you’ll not only learn about GUI development but also have a visually appealing and interactive tool for managing your tasks. It’s a project that combines functionality with aesthetics.

The Python Code

Let’s dive straight into the Python code for our To-Do List with GUI:

import tkinter as tk

def add_task():
    task = entry.get()
    if task:
        listbox.insert(tk.END, task)
        entry.delete(0, tk.END)

def remove_task():
        selected_task = listbox.curselection()[0]
    except IndexError:

app = tk.Tk()
app.title("To-Do List with GUI")

frame = tk.Frame(app)

listbox = tk.Listbox(frame, selectbackground="yellow")

entry = tk.Entry(frame, font=("Helvetica", 12))

add_button = tk.Button(frame, text="Add Task", command=add_task)

remove_button = tk.Button(frame, text="Remove Task", command=remove_task)


How it Works

  1. We import the tkinter library for creating the GUI.
  2. We define functions add_task() and remove_task() to add and remove tasks from the to-do list.
  3. We create the main application window and add a title.
  4. Within the window, we create a frame to hold the GUI components.
  5. We use a Listbox to display the list of tasks, an Entry widget for entering new tasks, and buttons for adding and removing tasks.
  6. The add_task() function adds the task entered in the Entry widget to the Listbox.
  7. The remove_task() function removes the selected task from the Listbox.


Congratulations! You’ve just created a Python To-Do List with a graphical user interface (GUI). This project has introduced you to GUI development using tkinter, and it provides a practical and visually appealing solution for task management.

Whether you’re keeping track of your daily tasks or experimenting with GUI development, this To-Do List with GUI adds style and functionality to your programming repertoire. Stay tuned for more Python projects that blend creativity with utility. Happy coding! 🐍✨